About Me

This is a Family Business started in 1970 by my late father Don Hogstrom. He was a wonderful teacher & taught me the ins and outs of this business. I proudly continue to carry on with his legacy!
I am a Full time Auctioneer…Licensed in 3 States. I have been Licensed in Ohio since 1977, as well as Indiana since 1995 and Kentucky since 2014. I am a member of the National Auctioneer Association (NAA), and the Ohio Auctioneer Association (OAA).
In addition, I have been a Licensed Real Estate Agent in Ohio since 1987. Currently in Association w/Ohio Real Estate Auction, LLC, in Columbus, OH.
Let my knowledge & experience as an Auctioneer & Real Estate Agent work for you…, I would love to meet with you and discuss how I can assist you with all your Auction needs!